Book Review: The Ramadan of Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya and Our Elders

Book: The Ramadan of Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya and our Elders Author: Dr. Mohammad Ismail Memon Madani Publisher: Madania Publications ISBN: 978-1-936157-04-4 Pages: 171 Dr. Mohammad Ismail Memon Madani’s most recent publication, entitled The Ramadan of Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya and our Elders, is a most welcome addition to an ever-growing library of quality English Islamic literature.… Continue reading Book Review: The Ramadan of Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya and Our Elders

Research on the Famous Hadith of the Virtues of Ramadan and Its Three Parts

Question: There is a ḥadīth that divides Ramadan into three periods. Is this ḥadīth authentic? Reply: After a detailed analysis of all the corroboratory chains of the ḥadīth in question, it can be concluded that it is of a weak (ḍaʿīf) nature. The weakness of the narration, however, is not of such severity as to render it baseless. Narrations of this… Continue reading Research on the Famous Hadith of the Virtues of Ramadan and Its Three Parts

Research on the Hadith on Moving Mountains and Changing Habits

Question:  I have often heard this hadith that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said that a mountain can move from its place but a man cannot change his habits. Is this really a hadith and is it authentic? Answer: In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving. The narration that you refer to… Continue reading Research on the Hadith on Moving Mountains and Changing Habits

When the Skies Wept: The Janazah of Shaykh al-Tafsir Mawlana Muhammad Na’im

Unfortunately, we in the West sometimes remain aloof of the magnificent personalities who surround us and who hold together the fragile threads that bind our communities. The fact that this great scholar lived amongst us for so long in the U.S. and that people remained oblivious of his presence and stature, his merit and academic… Continue reading When the Skies Wept: The Janazah of Shaykh al-Tafsir Mawlana Muhammad Na’im